Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The GSS Jell-O Mold Competition

Oh, I wish I lived near New York!
Unfortunately I don't, but if you do, than I highly suggest entering or at the very least attending The GSS Jell-O Mold Competition in Brooklyn New York. And if you're there be sure to check out the creation of my fellow Jell-O blogger The Jell-O Mold Mistress of Brooklyn, which I'm certain will be AMAZING! Check out the link to see what the created last year, and remember "Keep Calm and Wobble On!"

p.s. I know I've been a bad Jell-O blogger lately, but I'm working on Jell-O marshmallows and I don't want to post the series until they're complete. I'll also promise a post on "Glow in the Dark" Jell-O in the near future.

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