Friday, September 25, 2009

Perfection Salad

Alright! I'm not the only one with the courage to try a veggie mold! Retro Life took heart and created the Perfection Salad for a party. Although I thought The Trio-Veggie Mold was sort-of tasty, she didn't care for her's much. That's okay, at least she tried it.

(Photo by Retro Life.)

Friday, September 18, 2009

sophie's retro cranberry Jell-O mold

Visit the Northern Arizona University for this tasty glistening salad mold.
See recipe here.

(Photo by Diane Rechel.)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

retro jello commercial time

Yes, I'm sorry, he does love the jello cheesecake more than you.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

fall fruit salad

Without this jello mold, your dinner is like a paper cut-out.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

eggs in aspic

Looking for a cheap and easy dinner? Try "Eggs in Aspic." Don't worry this recipe is "Family Approved."

"Red and yaller, catch a feller" might as well have been a name for our Eggs in Aspic recipe.

Well golly sakes! I bet that's why I can't seem to find me a man! I just don't have the nerve to try making this recipe. I guess all the good men are wasted away on the girls who cook "Eggs in Aspic."

Did you ever get deflated by the expression on your man's face as you proudly served a pretty molded salad or dessert?

ALL THE TIME! I just can't understand what's wrong with my fancy Jell-O molds!

The molded creation was no doubt a sight to behold – but so was his face, for most men do not react well to what they consider food "fit for the girls." Yes we gals rightly feel that all the advantages of such dishes warrant our serving them!

Yes, we do!!!

Therefore a compromise is needed. To satisfy the men, let's first catch their eyes with their old favorites, red and yaller; and then let's see to it that it's a filling kind of aspic, not one with nine-tenths gelatin to one-tenth food!

You mean there should actually be FOOD in Jell-O?

Then from the gal's angle, make it in the cool of the morning, unmold, garnish well in advance of serving. No matter how steaming hot the day turns out to be, we have tempting food for our family, without wondering what we can cook a the last minute, without cooking the cook! A variation of this recipe is to devil the eggs, then put them in the aspic.

Add Mayonnaise! Great idea!

But that's not all there is about this recipe, for, believe it or not if you are still meek and timid about attempting fancy molds, this one is for YOU. It is truly a good one for beginners, for all that it looks so out-and-out professional. So better get busy members.

Hear that? It's easy! I think I'm going to try this one for dinner tonight.

And there you have it the actual column about "Eggs in Aspic" from American Home Magazine – 1953. Italicized

Friday, September 4, 2009

is this real!!!

Story found on "Amazing stories: University of Puget Sound Arches alumni magazine."

Fabled Bill Cosby Jell-O sculpture is real …
and it ’s still intact after 29 years!

Flash back to March 1978. Comedian and longtime Jell-O spokesman Bill Cosby is performing at Memorial Fieldhouse. An art student from Pacific Lutheran sculpts a likeness of Cosby in raspberry Jell-O and appears backstage to present it to him. Cosby, at first speechless, finally finds his voice and politely declines to take the Jell-O with him, saying it would be difficult to carry on the plane home. A kind-hearted university staff member says he’ll hold on to the work of art until Cosby can make it back to Tacoma. That was 29 years ago. The staffer, who wishes to remain anonymous, confirms that the Jell-O safely sits to this day in a refrigerator at an undisclosed site. Which causes us to wonder: What is the shelf-life of Jell-O?

P.S. Ok, we can tell you’re skeptical, but we swear the Cosby Jell-O mold lives. We saw it ourselves. It even smells a little like raspberry. Still don’t believe us? You can read about it in the Tacoma News Tribune’s March 16, 2001, article or in Jell-O: A Biography by Carolyn Wyman (page 67; Harcourt Publishers).

All I can say is, if someone gave ME a portrait of myself made out of Jell-O... I'd FIND a way to get it on the plane!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

retro jello commercial time

Oh yeah! Getting the groove on with jello!